Monday, June 10, 2013

on top of spaghetti...

...squash, that is.

Okay so this is less of a recipe and more of a squash awareness post.  And maybe you are rolling your eyes thinking, "We've heard of squash before."  But up until a few years ago when my mom made spaghetti squash, whenever I heard the word squash, I only thought of zuchini.

Spaghetti squash is one of my very favorite vegetables.  It is a veggie masquerading as a carbohydrate.  And we all know how I feel about carbs.  Not only is is delicious but it is cheap and easy to make.  If I could marry a vegetable it would probably be spaghetti squash.

All you need to do to prepare this versatile vegetable is cut it in half. (I usually cut mine lengthwise but I asked Dave to do this and he thought I meant "hamburger style."  Does anyone else remember that from elementary school?)

Place the halves cut side down in a baking dish and roast at 375 degrees until a knife cuts through the squash easily.  Depending on the size of the squash, this takes around 45 minutes or so.

My favorite way to eat spaghetti squash is with a little butter and salt and pepper.  If you want to be really healthy, use olive oil instead of butter and it you want to enjoy a carb free Italian dinner, pour over some marinara sauce and pretend that you are eating actual spaghetti.

That gives me a meal idea for later this week: spaghetti squash spaghetti and meatballs. :)

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